The key to a great looking lawn at an affordable price!
This program includes critical lawn treatments at key times of the year to ensure that your lawn always looks it`s best.
The program consists of six applications by our experienced lawn care experts and includes the following treatments:
- Step 1 (Mar/April): Slow Release Fertilizer
- Step 2 (Mar/April): Pre Emergence Crabgrass, Broadleaf Weed Control
- Step 3 (May/June): Slow Release Fertilizer, Crabgrass Control, Insect Control
- Step 4 (July): Slow Release Fertilizer, Insect Control
- Step 5 (Aug/Sept): Slow Release Fertilizer, Grub Control (If Needed)
- Step 6 (Oct/Nov):
Extra Services
- Nutgrass Control
- Tick Control
- Extra Fungus Control
- Extra Fertilizer
- Aeration & Seeding
- Lawn Renovations
- Sod
- Heavy Lime Application